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Shaving Regimen

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I recently started shaving my whole body smooth, and I have run into the dreaded itching 😬
Anyone have recommendations for alleviation of symptoms?
Also, how often do you shave? I’m figuring out how regularly I should.
Exfoliate well beforehand, make sure your razor is fresh, and moisturize very well as soon as you dry off! I use coconut oil or a thick lotion. Moisturize regularly in general but especially the first couple days after shaving. I shave every 3-4 days.
Well for now use some aloe vera gel.
Generally use some ***ling a few days before shaving.
Could also be (like me) that your body just hates you 🥲
Great question would recommend sugar waxing your 🐱but I wouldn’t shave. I would use a trimmer tho. Use exfoliating gloves 🧤 before and after trimming but never after shaving. Be gentle exfoliating after u use the trimmer. Aloe Vera is great for the cooling sensation and vasoline is okay? But raw shea butter is great for lasting moisturizing. Shaving increases risk of razor bumps and ingrown hairs a lot! So after trimming with trimmer or shaving with razor I would say exfoliate with gloves every other day. I like to use aloe Vera the day I trim. But I think it’s pointless after bc shea butter works wonders for long term moisture.
I shave daily. But exfoliate multiple times per week, and heavily moisturize afterwards
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