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I shave the shaft an 1.5 inches around it so nobody gets hair in their mouth and keep the rest
I prefer to keep myself shaved but female partners, i prefer a bit of the bush!

I prefer to shave my d**k and balls, but remain natural elsewhere, although I am not averse to trimming hair length fairly short. I tried whole body shaving but it is time consuming with little benefit.

I believe in "What makes the individual comfortable " unless they are looking outward and not inward. (Sorry if alot of what I say is Metaphorical or Cryptic...I'm not certain any other way to word things.) In my opinion, The Final Say is that if a person is Happy as they appear, completely alone, with no input by anything sentient....that's what SHOULD matter, however, even I tend to go with what makes someone I admire Happy so it's entirely a "What's the motive and Specifics "
I’m not fussed but I do like a bit of hair on my sub. I also think men that like a bush are hot as fk!
I don’t like shaved pussies. I don't like those 70s shrubs either. A well-groomed pubic hair with a nice shaved underside is a fetish for me. It's something I like to enjoy under a sheer lingerie.
I style personally, if I want a lass to be shaved/trimmed, least I can do is the same.
Love a bush! But better if she decides what she's comfortable with. Makes it all better!
I have a Grey bush & I don't particularly care if my playmates have hairy cocks. I'm at a point in my life where I'm mature enough to know that it's whatever I want & like. It really has nothing to do with anyone else.
Depends on the woman but I like it cut very close or completely shaved
Yeah shaving is just a personal preference. Especially when you lug around something hefty everyday pft heh
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