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Depends on the day but for the most part I keep everything trimmed close and prefer my lady friend that way but by know means is that a deal breaker if they are not
I like all stages. Bald is hot. But I enjoy a nice well maintained bush.
Shaved or waxed when I’m brave. Each to their own and everyone should do it for their own preference not what someone else likes. But personally I hate going down on someone really hairy
I swim and play sports so I wax and leave a 🔻the majority if the time. Occasionally hibernation happens and I'm more au natural but keep things overall maintained
i really only prefer to clean up the v line and like, the lips. i like to keep it bushy on top
I shave with a body trimmer out of respect when I'm sexually active and do occasional trims if not expecting sex. On women I don't like a mouth full of hair, I have a gag reflex with hair in my mouth. I love a smooth pussy. White girls pubes are softer and can be okay when trimmed and styled. Black girl pubes are too rough and scratchy
I will trim upon request but I don't have thick body hair to start with. On my partner I prefer her to be as smooth as a slip n' slide lol
Definitely clean cut bald pussy is the best look. Nothing like eating on a clean plate
Definitely shaved. I eat so much pie, that would become a newsense after a while 😋
I keep my girl bare. Twice weekly she is required to present herself to me to be groomed.
  1 hour ago, chocolateybbw78 said:
I have a Grey bush & I don't particularly care if my playmates have hairy cocks. I'm at a point in my life where I'm mature enough to know that it's whatever I want & like. It really has nothing to do with anyone else.

Gray bush is gorgeous!!

I prefer to keep myself closely trimmed or bald for the ladies sake. As for her, as long as it’s not needing a machete to clear a path. It’s up to her to decide.
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