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“All right, Ronald, you know how this game is played.  We’ve got ten holes here.  Inside one is $1000, but if you reach into the wrong hole it tightens around your wrist trapping you.  So, are you ready to play?”


“Very well.  Ten percent chance, Ronald.  Choose a hole.”

Ronald reached into a hole only to be met with a mechanical woh-wohh-WOHHHHHHH  sound as his wrist was bound into place.

“That’s too bad Ronald, but you aren’t trapped.  There is of course the big red button which will release you, but if you press the big red button then you have to leave us.  But – you can always hope to get the $1000 before pushing the big red button.  One-in-nine chance now, Ronald, but if your other hand gets trapped you will be *** and you know what happens to *** people.”

“Sasha and JoJo get them.”

“That’s right.  And what do Sasha and JoJo do with *** people?”

“SPANK THEM! SPANK THEM! SPANK THEM!” the studio audience shouted.

“That’s right.  And they keep right on spanking until they get tired of it.  And they haven’t been tiring easily recently.  So, what will it be, Ronald?”


Lmao! Plz continue this story!
90% chance to win if you stuck your dick in the hole instead.
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