
Female/Male (21/48) Not single

Rooms to Let in BDSM friendly house in Central Lon

I run a BDSM-friendly house in Central London, big and beautiful property, very private, equipped with two dungeons, suspension points and kinky furniture everywhere. At the moment, mid and long term accomodation are available for you nice LGBTQ+ ppl, prices are variable from 1k to 1.5k pcm depending on the room.

I don't ask you to become a play partner, consent always applies. Also no party house, we live nice and quiet, guests allowed but respecting everyone else's peace.

Just, this has to be a safe space for everyone's body positivity and sex positivity, and you must be a BDSM lover to fit in this household, because we wanna "be out while we're in", and If you're uncomfortable about that, this house will be disturbing for you.

If on the other hand this sounds like the dream home to you, feel free to get in touch.

Edit for straight males: consent applies to subs here, especially. It's NOT a brothel and If you think to have free fucks included with the rent, you got it completely wrong. Just don't waste time applying. Thanks

Rooms to Let in BDSM friendly house in Central Lon

BDSM/Fetish Family18 to 80 years ● 200km around UK, London