We're pleased to present the latest in our series of Sensations events in Harrogate, North Yorkshire. As always, we offer hours of socialising, networking, learning experiences and play opportunities, with nibbles and soft drinks supplied, and a wealth of dungeon furniture and other kit available for all to use. Six hours allows ample time to chat to friends (old and new) and perhaps indulge in some play.
There is plenty of detail in the HarrogateRnB group and profile on Fetlife - check the stickies in particular - but please don't hesitate to get in touch with specific queries, here or there..
A typical event centres around people chatting, whether catching up with established friends or making new ones. Comparing toybags is a popular activity and informal workshops demonstrating toys or techniques are commonplace. We don't get involved in arranging play, but pre-agreed scenes or casual, pick-up play are always possibilities - we operate a closed door/private, open door/discrete watchers welcome policy. Please use the RnB Group to start or add to a thread relating to play plans or hopes; it's sometimes considered poor form to message other guests on the Guest List prior to events. Depending on the weather we will fire up the hot tub and sprawl into the garden for socialising, but with Spring only just arrived this is unlikely. There will be two or three main play areas. Potentially available are a pillory, solid cage, whipping post, two St Andrew's crosses (one double-sided), bondage/suspension frame and two spanking benches. Smaller items of kit include a violet wand, vampire gloves, a wide arrange of impact and sensory toys and many different restraints.
The event runs from two in the afternoon until eight at night, allowing folk to dip in and out as their timetables allow. There is no obligation to stay any particular length of time, engage in play or supply anything. We are firm on safety and politeness but otherwise run a relaxed event that is ideal for newbies and veterans alike. Usual etiquette applies, such as being sensible, adhering to EOIF (Enthusiastic, Ongoing, Informed Consent), welcoming all categories of kinkster, and so on. We pride ourselves on the number of 'firsts' that have been achieved over the years (eight now) that we've been hosting events.