
Non-binary (32) Not single

Looking for online relationship!

Hi there, so I'm kinda new to this whole bdsm thing. I've messed around with it on sites like imvu though that was a long time ago. I'm looking for a Dom who can teach me the ropes and be patient with me. I'm looking for a strictly online based relationship.

Things about me:
I love roleplay. If you're interested in rp give me a boop and let's see what we can come up with together!
I love s.
I have a wife who will know when/if I get a Dom but will not be in the relationship.
I'm gender fluid so some times I identify as a male and sometimes as a female.

Things I like:
bdsm (obviously)
(I'll add more as I think of more)

Things I do not like and will not do:
give you
(I don't have any)
Potty play
genital ***

Looking for online relationship!