Can any ladies in the Philly/Delaware area help me or point me in the right direction with a curiosity of mine? A while back I was seeing a woman she talked , very specifically and confidently about how she was going to completely control me and use me for her pleasure despite and there was nothing I could do about it, she’s not even half my size. She spoke of typing me down and teasing me, about using her body to lure me into her trap and once she had me inside if her id be hers to use. I told her that wasn’t possible and that I’d have to let her do that if it was going to happen. She knows my ecstasy is at its highest when I see how good I’m making my partner feel. To shorten an already long post she was never able to switch the power dynamic during our sex but lately I’ve been increasingly curious 1 if that’s actually possible and 2 if it would be as amazing as I think it could be. Any help would be appreciated