Empowered women will lead the world; our time is now. No longer will we hide who we are and what is rightfully ours: our bodies, voices, relationships, sexuality, and power.
Join us to explore and embrace the parts of ourselves that have been unseen, unheard, unwanted, unwelcomed, and unloved. It’s time to accept and honor every facet of our being, shedding s and limitations to liberate ourselves from toxic dynamics.
What beliefs, stories, conditioning, and traumas are we ready to burn, destroy, and uncreate to make room for our true desires?
This event is a date with ourselves, where we practice owning our desires and surrendering to the wisdom of our bodies. Let’s release what doesn’t serve our growth and evolution as incredible beings. What are you ready to let go of?
Experience a night of rebirth, reclaiming your body, voice, sensuality, sexuality, relationships, abundance, and power. We will gain clarity on what we want to create in our lives, supported by s on the same journey. Together, we will open alchemical portals to joy, peace, abundance, and freedom.
Celebrate a night of ***hood, helping each other release old beliefs, heal wounds, and hold each other accountable for our transformations.
Prepare for a night of pure magic and bliss. Are you ready to embrace your magical powers?