*This has needed updating for some time, and now seems as good a time to sit and write as any other. *
I have been in and out of the lifestyle for the better part of my adult life, in one form or another. I have learned a great deal about myself along the way and even more about others.
I am as comfortable in jeans, cowboy boots, and hat, as I am dresses and heels or fetishwear. A contradiction it would seem, yes? That's me, a walking contradiction. I need a firm hand but squirm under pressure, need a dominant personality to lead, but I balk at being told what to do. I need structure but feel caged by its very nature.
Do you think you can manage the feral gremlin in its natural environment? Wanna try and find out?
So, I guess I need to do a more thorough introduction. I'm a single mom with kids still at home, my kids have to be my priority, if you're not OK with that then don't message me please, it's just a waste of everyone's time and attention that could be focused elsewhere. That being said...
I inevitably get the "what are you looking for?" Question, and so I've decided to line it out here for all to see, then no more questions will be needed. To be honest, I'm no longer looking because I have come to understand that what I wish for is but a fairy tale. And I am no princess. But I digress.
When I was looking and all I've ever really wanted was a man to be the man he claimed to be. If a man claims he is a provider for you and yours, then he should be able to do so without assistance. If he claims to be a protector, the same thought process applies. Unfortunately, what I run into more than anything else is someone who pretends to be that which they are not. If you want to take me on a date and you claim to be a dominant person, then take charge and plan the damn date. Don't ask me what I want or where to go? My response will be that I don't know.
So I suppose the short answer to the above question would be, I'm looking for some effort. If you want me in your life, show me, don't ask me to drive 3 or 4 hrs to you, come to me, show that I am a priority. I have no problem driving to meet potentials, I have done so in the past, and it has shown me that as long as I put in the effort, no one else thinks they need to. So... want to be in my circle, prove it. Show me you want to be in my life, make plans, do what a real man does, take charge, and take care of your woman. And I, in turn, will be more than willing to accommodate. Just saying. ?♀️
*more to come when my adhd squirrel brain lets me come back and work on this again. *