
Male (30) Not single

Looking for a real Sub Girl

Looking to host and invite for LTR. We have three kiddos but you do not have to do anything with them if you do not want to. All bills and rent paid for. If you do not want to work, that is up to you. If you want to go to school, that is up to you. We will love you equally, and ensure a lasting relationship. We are a poly fam of 3. 2 men and 1 female. Will mainly be sleeping with the guy in our pictures except on swap nights. In his room he has a private restroom as well.

Must be single, no hook ups, women only, no trans, prefer Bi-sexual, pansexual, polysexual women.

A bit about us:
We love to play board games, video games, do cosplay, we like to go to Anime Expo and Comic Con, we like to go eat out, pizza is a regular when we do not want to cook, but most of the time we cook at home. We barely moved to Vegas in February, so we are still getting to learn what there is to do around here. The guy in the pictures is bi-sexual with a high sex drive. The other guy is bisexual with a low drive. The female is pansexual has a moderate drive.

Message us if you would like to know more!
Looking forward to hearing from you!

Looking for a real Sub Girl

BDSM/Fetish Family21 to 35 years ● 145km around USA, Las Vegas
