Find kinky women in Port Jervis

Here for friends and great conversations (men). no hook ups or meet with men! please read this bio. i am married ! also looking for a woman companion if any of you are out there haha friends or more message me ! I am NOT looking for a third, you just get me :) refrain from graphic pics please. I'm literally on here to meet people who match my vibe ? if you match it who knows. thank you for actually reading this. been on this app before and had a bad experience so approaching this app very cautiously. don't fuck with my vibe please.
Female (34) Port Jervis, New York

New members in Port Jervis

Here for friends and great conversations (men). no hook ups or meet with men! please read this bio. i am married ! also looking for a woman companion if any of you are out there haha friends or more message me ! I am NOT looking for a third, you just get me :) refrain from graphic pics please. I'm literally on here to meet people who match my vibe ? if you match it who knows. thank you for actually reading this. been on this app before and had a bad experience so approaching this app very cautiously. don't fuck with my vibe please.
Female (34) Port Jervis, New York

New personal ads in Port Jervis

Kinky Date ● 18 to 50 years ● 210km around USA, Bloomington ● 36 minutes ago
BDSM/Fetish Family ● 18 to 80 years ● 500km around Canada, London ● 27.09.2024 - 03.10.2024
BDSM Play Partner ● 18 to 80 years ● 500km around USA, New York ● 7 hours ago
Kinky Date ● 18 to 80 years ● 500km around USA, Delhi ● 11 hours ago
Kinky Date ● 21 to 45 years ● 500km around USA, San Antonio ● 28.09.2024 - 11.10.2024
NSA ● 40 to 53 years ● 65km around USA, Romulus ● 28.09.2024 - 01.10.2024
Kinky Date ● 18 to 80 years ● 25km around Australia, Regentville ● 13 hours ago

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