[1] What does he live for?
[2] He likes to see the ***
[3] On the beautiful soul he wishes to protect.
[4] The irony is sick,
[5] The irony is a twisted addiction.
[6] The irony is the reflection of ***,
[7] From himself to his beautiful possession.
[8] The desire has seemed to dwell for thousands of years,
[9] But was pushed away by the laws of right and wrong.
[10] In consequences of the ones that took it too far—
[11] The utter ***.
[12] The *** of the family when they are aware,
[13] That their beautiful creation has gone missing,
[14] That the blossom is ruined,
[15] And the bud is dead.
[16] But you—
[17] You feel dead
[18] Constantly.
[19] And with that you allow yourself to obtain consent,
[20] As you give her chills of an October breeze,
[21] As the quivering moans send you to a hellish mind,
[22] And the grip of your hands tighten around the cusp of her petals.
[23] You understand your worth,
[24] You own your desire to own,
[25] And you don’t think twice about it.
[26] Instead, you focus on making your emotions her own,
[27] By the tears she willingly cries,
[28] It is well known that it’s all,
[29] In service,
[30] In love,
[31] To you.
[32] And as your breaths begin to collide together in rhythmic harmony,
[33] You slow your pace,
[34] As a puppet she follows your lead
[35] And falls with grace.
I yearn to be the woman who makes a sweet beautiful home filling it with love, prayer, and purity. Doing something better than anything else my hands could find to do beneath the skies
“you’ve got my body flesh and bone, the sky above the earth below, nothing to say and no where to go a taste of the Devine.”
If you can’t tell by now, i have a knack for poetry. here’s the link for all of which I’ve written if you’re interested: https://surrycc-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/simmonst_student_surry_edu/EWECUkPWgOJIjJ3vJzx13j8BJLR7yCrm2PgSy4_eswLqZA?e=LAI0Xy
after all that I experienced with D/S, BDSM, Sex in general, I’ve realized it’s all the same—unless it is tied to love thriving in a powerful dynamic of unity, it’s useless. I’d rather have 30 years of happiness than a 30 second orgasm. It’s like a drug, and you, are addicted.