BDSM Play Partner18 to 40 years ● 45km around UK, Worthing 2 years ago

I am not looking for a kink partner, I am looking for someone who is kinky for a special concept project and I will block anyone who does not read the profile and respond appropriately.

I need someone who is an experienced lead partner dancer - what style you currently dance doesn't matter, but a willingness to learn blues, bachata sensual, and Argentine Tango is required. I do need an experienced dancer, though, because we will be learning some things together and I am not able to teach dance, lead & follow, or connection from the beginning for this project. Also, some comfort with performance is necessary.

You should also be comfortable taking the "top" role in at least one of the following and willing to learn the rest: impact play, restraint, aggressive play, non-consent play, wrestling.

This partner must be willing to commit to attending a variety of workshops with me as a partner, including dance workshops whether either of us knows that style of dance or not, and kink workshops. The purpose is to build our rapport as project partners in addition to learning any new skills necessary (lots of dance classes require the participants to switch partners throughout the class, but I want a dedicated partner for these classes).

I am not looking for a personal dom, but I will accept collaboration with the right partner. We also do not need to be romantic, sexual, or play partners, just comfortable enough to demo / perform together the project I have in mind. I am open to another type of relationship forming if it fits us, but that's a secondary option that I will consider after we have met and started building this project partnership, which is my primary goal.

If our chemistry and compatibility is good, I am also interested in building dance relationships in addition to this project, so an interest in any other style of dance is good for this too. I do lindy, blues, East Coast Swing, bachata, salsa, foxtrot, waltz, hustle, and I have at least tried almost all other partner dance styles out there.

I would like to meet with people and dance with them to see if we have any floor chemistry. If we do, then I will discuss the details of the project.

If you are interested in a project involving dance and kink, you are a dance lead, and you are a kinky top/switch, please contact me either here, on any social media platform where you see my name (I go by Joreth or Joreth Innkeeper everywhere), or hit me up in person if you see me at an event.

If you are just a dancer interested in meeting other dancers for social dancing, also feel free to contact me.

BDSM Play Partner35 to 50 years ● 50km around USA, Winter Haven 2 years ago

Similar to dom

Daddy Dom or Mommy Dom is the term for a certain type of Dominant who enjoys taking on a caring and nurturing role. They mainly match up with girls/boys otherwise known as 'littles'. DDLG stands for Daddy Dom/Little Girl and is a term often used in the BDSM community. Daddy Dom and Mommy Dominants enjoy control, as all Dominants do. Their control can be in the form of written rules, choosing outfits as well as making lots of decisions for their littles. Daddy and Mommy Dominants are patient and caring, which is why they match up so well with the child-like littles. BDSM comes into the Daddy and Mommy’s relationships with their littles in different ways. They strike a balance between encouraging the little’s child-like joy and enthusiasm and showing them the control they crave for. This is why they carry both the name Daddy or Mommy and Dominant at the same time. Caring in a parental type roll and controlling as a Dominant. Daddy Doms and Mommy Doms are often instinctually good at aftercare because of their especially nurturing natures. This is essential when matching up with littles as they need lots of care and attention before, during and after a BDSM scene.
A Master/Mistress is a specific kind of Dominant. They are more likely to take on a 24/7 relationship with their submissive/slave and control all aspects of their sub’s life. There may be exceptions, for example when the partners are at work, otherwise a Master/Mistress is in control all of the time. They will train their slaves to serve them in the way they enjoy. This will include domestic chores and service as well as sexual and kink aspects of their lives. Some expect their slaves to ask permission to eat, use the bathroom and other mundane acts, taking control of everything their submissive does. Of course, all this is pre-agreed. It may all be written down in a formal contract or may have been discussed in advance. There will be ways for the slave to express discomfort and to say no when they don’t want to do something. This could be in the forum of a safeword or something else that is pre-agreed. Even though the relationship seems very one-sided, it is consensual. A Master/Mistress has their slave’s well-being at heart and will never make them do anything that is unsafe or they won’t like, that is part of the nature of the trust and control between them.
Dominants like to be in control. Unlike BDSM tops or sadists, their need is not particularly to inflict pain but to be domineering and have control over another person. Some Doms/Dommes expect to be obeyed immediately and without questions. Others enjoy being tested, and having to show their dominance over the submissive who’s being bratty. There is no one way to be a Dominant. Dom/Dommes can also be sadists, tops, masters or riggers. Dominant is a huge category of BDSM made up of many very different people who all have one thing in common, their need to be in control. The D in the term BDSM stands for Dominance, therefore Dominants are an instrumental part of BDSM. .embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; } .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; }

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