
What's all this dogging about?

For kinksters into dogging

Dogging is a fine old tradition, upheld by generations of people who fancy a bit of anonymous sex of an evening. It's the straight couples' answer to the gay couples' cottaging, but people of all sexualities and gender identities can enjoy a spot of car park sex if they know where to look. The anonymity is a huge part of the appeal: it's considered declasse in most dogging hotspots to ask for names or phone numbers!

If you're interested in trying this out, have a look online for good dogging locations near you. Just make sure you experiment safely: don't get into anyone's car, take a mobile phone with you and try to tell someone you trust where you're going to be.

What is dogging?

For all the non-Brit kinksters out there, dogging is the British term for having sex in a car. It sounds simple, but it can be quite an adventure! Remember the first time you made out in a car? Odds are you were young, overly : ahem: refreshed after a party and it was probably pretty awkward - gear stick ending up in places they shouldn’t be, foggy windows, unexpected blasts from the horn. You remember ;)

As it turns out, you can get good at this. Like all skills, it takes practice and a sharp eye for choice spots. Dogging isn’t just something for vanilla couples wanting to spice things up a bit; there are plenty of kinksters into it as well. Imagine all the role play scenarios you can come up with! Or perhaps it could be a reward for an exhibitionist sub. You needn’t do too much legwork either; there are entire networks of people and websites (like sharing locations and tips.

Where can I find places for dogging?

Dogging fun can be had in a variety of spots. It takes a little research to find the right places and a special skill to be able to also keep an eye out for ‘unwanted voyeurs in uniform’ once you get busy. As mentioned earlier, some groups and websites can offer tips and advice for locations and even arrange meeting up. But sometimes it’s nice just to grab your partner, some 'provisions' and hop in the car and find some places to make out in a car on your own. Spontaneity can be sexy as hell!

As with all things, make sure everyone is consenting and happy campers. Talk about your ideas first - a bit of mental foreplay is always good! You can come up with location ideas together and find something that will get you in the mood. Be prepared! Nothing is more a let down than getting to your dream location and not having any condoms or lube! Make a sexy car kit and hit the road Jack!

How do you know what is allowed when dogging?

You can look out for certain signs to help in your dogging adventures. Cars with an internal light on are showing they want people to watch. If a window is open it can be an invite to reach in and touch but you should probably ask and check it’s okay before just reaching in to a stranger’s car.

Of course and recording equipment isn’t allowed. So keep your phones away and on silent so not to disturb people. Make sure you’re not being observed by any innocent parties. This is where you can get into trouble. Check and double check everyone in the area is there for dogging before getting engaged in sexy fun times. You don’t want to get reported to the police.

Is dogging only for couples?

No, singles can join in too but usually as the ones watching. Anyone can go dogging but be sure someone you know and trust knows where you are and when you’re planning to get home just to be safe.

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