I lean to a gorean lifestyle, and I’m looking for a kajira or someone willing to train.
Depends on the kajira.
The first 20 odd years of my journey, there was no internet.. just who you know and what you learn on the way.
That’s what I’m I thinking, every point is valid one.. go with what you know.😁
But for me for over 40 years edge play has meant cutting with sharp things.. times change, and I seem to be a bit slower in following suit..
That’s a good point..
Looking at the Fet list in here it lists..
Knife play, fire play , breath play, edging, and edge play.. so is it separate or all of the above.
Guess I am just behind the times a few years, and I did look at outside links as well, but they are from 2020, and late 2016 and up, so I just feel things have changed.
Anyway.. thanks once again I’ll adapt..😁😁
I don’t mean to be confrontational, I’m aware things change or can change over time, it’s just that this is the first I’ve heard of it meaning something other than what I’ve known. Hence I ask.
Thanks for responses I do appreciate and value everyone’s input.
Hence why I want other opinions.