It's been a fair bit of time since I've last written an add, though I think it's about time I put out my feelers and see what/who I can find.
A Bit About Me.
My Day To Day Side
I have been active as a dom for more or less all of my adult life, both online and offline and have had many long lasting dynamics over this time as well as many more short term arrangements. Some have been simple scratching of one another's itches, filling a desire for a time before parting whilst others have been much more intimate, with me recently parting with someone on sad but mutual terms. I am a very geeky person, I love to share this nerdiness with those I can, I am an avid gamer, I love to read (and have a more recent infatuation with audiobooks), I like to write, I have a passion for dnd (sadly a forever dm, though given I like to write I do enjoy it quite a bit).
You don't not need to get to know the day to day side of me if you do not wish, I know some simply prefer to focus on the dynamic and that is fine, just be sure to make this intention clear early on.
The Dom I Am
I am an exceedingly patient person, I always have been and try my best to be this way. That being said, I'm not the sort of person to accept poor excuses and if someone shows a lack of effort, I will move on and part ways. I see a dom/sub ect. style of dynamic being made from mutual respect, regardless of if you wish to be treated as an object and dejected to constant I will still hold you're best interests at heart and hold you back from making choices I believe you would regret later. I respect peoples boundaries greatly, though will probe to find the limits of those boundaries quite early on, I like to use the traffic light safe word system, it's simple, easy to remember and clear in it's intent... assuming the other party is at least somewhat familiar with traveling by car. I will never be disappointed by something we are engaging in being stopped due to this so never push yourself beyond your comfort zone.
I like to use a mixture of live sessions and set tasks with set living rules for those who serve me, though I can adjust this to fit a potential applicant, at the end of this is a series of questions, answer them honestly instead of just in a way that pushes your buttons.
I will never share anything sent to me without your consent. Even then, I will verify with you about it. Trust is important to me and you feeling safe is important. You will be revealing the self you hide from the world to me and make yourself , even if that self likes to be talked to like a piece of dirt under my shoe you should be able to feel safe still whilst you explore your desires.
A Bit About You
I expect you to be honest, more then anything else I have always found this to be the single most important building block to any dynamic. Breaking a rule may result in an unpleasant punishment but it does mean you earn my trust.
You are not expected to be interested in everything I list, just be honest with what interests you and we can work around that.
Your level of experience doesn't matter, you can be brand new and don't nothing more then watch some porn of scenarios and want guidance or you could of been active for the last 20 years, everyone is different and it just changes the starting point simply.
If you are trans or other, please specify when it comes to the questions at what stage you are are, it can effect the potential tasks I can set after all.
Do not worry about your age (as long as you are 20+), many of my best subs have had up to 20 years on me, you would have just as much chance of being taken on as anyone else. I have been told people have been unsure about applying in the past due to this type of age difference, only to find we get along extremely well.
I expect you to know some of your boundaries out of the gate and to be up front about them. It's important to know what is too much, even if that too much is just the simple limits of not doing anything illegal ect.
You should answer the questions at the end of this add to the best of your ability, the more information I have to work with the more smoothly things can begin, as well as it's just handy to have a solid reference point as I get to know you.
You will not be expected to fit all potential criteria listed in this add, there is a good chance you will only hit on 1 or 2 points I mention and that is perfectly fine, every dynamic is different and I am happy to work within my subs boundaries/interests. For instance, you may love to try live sessions but find it hard to follow tasks or rules when your dom is not around, be honest about this at the start or as it becomes apparent so we can work around this.
I will expect frequent communication from you, even if its just a few messages a day to keep in touch, it helps me to more quickly get a grasp on your day to day affairs and how I can best work around them as well as just generally helps cement our dynamic.
You have a life, likely family, a job, a social life, I wont be taking any of this away with this dynamic, it's important that this dynamic adds to your life, that it doesn't interrupt it.
If you want something to become more serious, I would only consider it if you where at least within the uk, this is simply for practicalities sake, if I was to get that close to someone, I'd want to be able to wrap my arms around them.
Be sure to mention cookies somewhere in your response, so I know you've read everything.