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No me interesan los hombres en lo más mínimo, nada personal No son nada fan del sexting ni de nada sexual por llamada y esas cosas. Si quieres hacer algo, quedamos directamente, o si no nada.
Female (22) Getafe, Madrid

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No me interesan los hombres en lo más mínimo, nada personal No son nada fan del sexting ni de nada sexual por llamada y esas cosas. Si quieres hacer algo, quedamos directamente, o si no nada.
Female (22) Getafe, Madrid

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I came home from being out with the dog. A couple of smokes and neslry an hour of fetch, all good. I noticed the 1st door i passed was closed, as were the curtains when i got into the living room. A bit out of the ordinary but he wasnt exactly on form and i guessed he just needed tto feel some privacy. Until he started on me the second he had me close. We'd already had an altercation earlier that day. I'd rested for once in a blue moon and he was livid and had stared on me immediately so I'd called him a c*nt &he'd pushed me. On a sprained ankle. Unnerving.

So he pushed me into the living room after shutting us in the kitchen because I'd ask him to leave several times n he said no. After the d match he then grabbed my hair and put me over his knee with his elbow pinning me n holding my wrist so I couldn't protect my body.
He was saying stuff like
"You think you're doing fucking Only Fans? 👋🏻
You gonna quit trying to be a monkey branching slut 👋🏻
👋🏻Fuckin whore cunt!" 👋🏻 grabbing n pulling my hair gritting his teeth in my ear "You gonna quit trying to help everyone? 👋🏻
You want to be a whore? Want to be used in both holes? & he fingered them.
" 👋🏻👋🏻you think you're special?👋🏻
You aren't shit👋🏻
I asked him to stop but he was raging. This had been stored up clearly.
You think you're a fuckin boss lady?👋🏻👋🏻 You're nothing👋🏻
You're a fuckin 15 year old brat" 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻.. 👋🏻👋🏻.. 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻(36but thaaaanks😑)
"Where you going Gilly why you you struggling where'd dyou think you're going? he chuckled 👋🏻STOP Struggling" 👋🏻👋🏻my bare ass being spanked mercilessly went on another 10minutes. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move.
Then he got behind me.
"Stay there. Don't. fucking. move"
Then knelt behind and with frustrated determination rammed his cock in me while he had me bent over the couch on my knees.He was stroking my hair while he was fucking me and calling me a good girl.
"What do you say?"
"What do you say?"
I felt a wave or horror and nausea flow through me, thinking is he fucking serious?
I know what he wanted me to say "Thank you for r
ping me Daddy " but I couldn't /wouldn't so he carried on fucking me in doggy position, thankfully it was over soon after. I heard him sigh as his weight left my body mine stayed where it was pinned. He sat back down and I slumped on the floor, dazed and degraded. He squeezed his arms round my shoulders. "I'm sorry, he said shaking , tears in his eyes. "You didn't deserve that. It won't happen again." (The exact words I'd heard the last time.) I asked if I could go get some water. I even said please. It was even my fucking house this occasion. I hated myself then for giving him any submission. He nodded. When I returned my phone was gone. I didn't dare ask for it. What could i do anyway, triangulate him with friends? Hardly.

As i was walking out of the kitchen 2hours later; he cupped my jaw in his hands , apologized and tilted my face to look him in the eyes n told me "You should have pride. Hold your head up." I felt gaslit. He went to bed. I stayed up I didn't want to be beside him. At 3am I began looking for my phone, frantically, shaking as i unzipoed his rucksack, as I thought if he wakes up and catches me he'll go ape, if i can get my phone i could get help if he does get angry again, maybe! I couldn't find it for the life of me.
I use my headphones and phone to sleep, I needed sleep. My mind felt blurry and my body was beginning to feel it.
In defeat I begged him for my phone. To my surprise he sighed but gave it to me. He'd hidden it well.

He had to leave the next day. He was reluctant but had roof repairs at his own place needing attention promptly (thank f
I was so confused for the next few days. It seemed like it should have been hot. This was a guy I found attractive, that I'd loved, but it wasn't done in playfulness with him, it came from indignation and rage. My ribs were bruised. Both my wrists were sprained. Heavy lifting was a bitch. Every time I sat down my cunt and cheeks reminded me how he'd owned me. I knew there'd be no aftercare coming. Like I say, it was rage not play with him. So I took a photo of my bruised cheeks and posted it here, for external validation, that unfillable futile void I should evade... I thought at least the sadists would like it. He wouldn't see the damage he'd done.
I knew I had to get him out of my life again. I at least got 2weeks of peace from his presence by managing to keep him at bay.
He'd return for a few reasons, including trying to make me pregnant because its the only form of control he could attain over me in his mind. I wouldn't allow it by then.
When he realised I wasn't going to take him back he told me "You got what you wanted."
I enlightened him that if that's what I wanted I'd have stayed with him.

So here I am, so much rough stuff that vanilla fkn icks me out now too, hoping to find the right man for the job. To try CNC in a safe, trustworthy dynamic, or the guy who is just assertive enough to take me without it only being for his pleasure every time.
Where are you?✨️

Pro-Dom/me Session18 to 80 years ● 25km around UK Glasgow

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