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In memory of Blackwolf77 🖤🔥🖤

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A dear friend of mine,  Blackwolf77, suddenly passed away on 17th June 2020.

I've been searching for words to share this news with you all,  as I know he was a well regarded kinkster, anarchist, defender of the weak and a fighter for social justice. 

He was a true warrior who not only fought in Viking battles,  but for his family,  honour and his truth. 

I will always remember him as he was very dear to me. 

In honour of his love of Norse mythology, this is an extract of a short story he wrote, he writes himself as Lars:


Lars heart was pounding in his chest so hard he thought it would explode. His shield had never felt as heavy as it did right now, the sword in his hand hung limply as he surveyed the carnage before him. Ahead Rusty was driving the Skjelborg forwards once again in attempt to claim the ritual circle from Skorns clawed grasp. Elm’s words ped him back to the job at hand…. “That’s it you’re done” she yelled as she finished her mending spell on his chain before spinning on her heels and once more summoning the Elemental fires to her hands and merging them with Fenrir’s fury let loose a Magic Missile which tore into a beastkin minion of Skornn knocking it back into the undergrowth, it’s fight done as it lay dead upon the ground. Glancing around Lars caught sight of Johannah kneeling at the fallen body of one of the Wolves, as the fallen Wolf began to stir her eyes caught his and a slight smile appeared on her face. He glanced at her and noticed that all her markings to her Albion gods had been removed. That particular issue would have to wait for right now he had other business at hand.

Suddenly to his left several members of the assembled warhost flew backwards as if hit by a trebuchet and Lars found himself looking directly into the eyes of Skornn himself. Standing the height of a man and a half and twice as wide the self-proclaimed ‘King of the beasts’ had finally advanced from the safety of the warded ritual circle and joined the fight himself.

Now was the time Lars had waited several long years for, the chance to put the beast down once and for all and put him down hard. As he went to close in on his prey Lars became aware of movement to his right that wasn’t one of the warriors he commanded. Turning sharply he saw another of Skorns minions swinging a sword towards his head. “SHIT” he thought instinctively raising his shield and deflecting the blow. Stepping inside the beasts attack he drove his sword hilt deep into its guts. The scream so primal and ***ed reminded Lars of that fateful night in Nifelheim when the ***ed and ***d screams of the dishonoured dead still to this day haunted his dreams. Ripping the blade free Lars took half a step back before cleaving the beasts head almost clear from its shoulders but before the creature had even hit the ground the Jarl of Thorsgaard had turned his attention back to Skornn. “LARS, TAKE THIS AND FUCK HIM RIGHT UP!!!” came a familiar voice behind him. Spinning around Lars saw Arlen holding out Othlar to him. The hammer of the Black Wolves was blessed by Fenris to wrack *** and damage on not only the physical form of the enemy but also would rend their very spirit too and was just the tool he needed. Tossing his sword the nearest Wolf he could see Lars took Othlar with nothing more than an approving nod from Arlen and made straight for Skornn. The scene as he arrived was one straight from the sagas and Ausra was well living up to her nickname as ‘Hero of Norsca’. She had already joined battle with the Beast King and was swinging Freya’s blade like the Valkyrie she would surely one day be. Lars smiled as he joined the fight. Ghodi of Freya and Champion of Hel side by side hacking down an enemy of Norsca. Yes today was going to be a good day. From out of nowhere Skorn unleashed a furious uppercut with his gnarled, clawed hand catching Ausra under the chin. The *** of the blow knocking her backwards. She landed heavily but immediately began to rise to her feet.

“Skornn had simply succeeded in ***ing her her right off” Lars thought to himself as he launched a savage counter attack on the beast. A slashing blow from Skorn knocked Othlar from Lars grip and a second blow was barely parried away by his now well battered shield. Even from the halls of Valhalla it seemed as if Ranneka was still watching over Lars and he silently gave thanks to the former High Ghodi and friend. Reeling from the frenzied attacks from Skornn Lars found himself being driven backwards and this would have ended very badly for him had Elm not cast a repel spell upon the beast which temporarily halted its onslaught. ing Ausra enough time to regain her footing she tore back into the Beast King with renewed vigour and rage. Although Lars was Champion of Hel it was the fury of his groups patron Fenris that filled his heart and he descended upon the beast using his shield to bludgeon, his fists to punch and claw and even his teeth to rip at its pelt. This had long ceased to be a battle and had now become nothing more than a frenzied fight for survival on both sides. Elm showing once again her talent for creative magic use cast a Retribution spell upon the beast as he was furiously swinging with all the hate he could muster. Staggering back temporarily in *** and anger Skornn must by now have realised that the tide was turning the Wolves way. A blow from nowhere knocked Lars senseless for a few seconds and when he regained his barings his heart was lifted to see that the High Thane himself had rejoined the fight and was upon Skorn in a fury he had never seen Orren unleash. The frenzied roar of the beast being met with equal hate and intent from Orren and he buried his blades into the beasts pelt over and over again. In a few more moments the deed was done. Skorn was dead, his followers slayed or ***tered and once again the warhost of Norsca stood victorious. His work here done the Warleader and Jarl of Thorsgaard turned to Johanna. Looking to his wife he simply hugged her and gently lifting her her head until her eyes met his when he kissed her and said “Come on you, Let’s go home” Taking her hand he began the journey back to the boats and back to Thorsgaard. He would allow himself a few days to rest with her before turning his attention to the next war on the horizon. No rest for the wicked it would seem."


May the walls of Valhalla and the light of your ancestors keep you safe




We grieve for ourselves when those we love cross the Bridge, because we will miss them and we want them back. Blackwolf77 has been welcomed to Valhalla to sit at Odin's right hand. We've put a to him on our profile page. Blessings, @Firewitch :heart:


As a great warrior, the doors of Valhalla, open where again he can drink and laugh with warriors that went before him

❤❤❤for you, hugs always. You had me when I saw he was a protector of the weak. A man who I'm sure will be missed by many x

May his spirit reach the gates of Valhalla for eternal peace. My condolences go to you and his family


Sorry for your loss Fire,  a warm hart goes out to you and all who knew BlackWolf. 

He will be missed.



It was  a pleasure knowing you Black Wolf even though we chatted briefly like passing ships.

May you Rest in Eternal Peace xxx

Sorry for you loss Fire, blackwolf will live on in your memories. 🤗🤗🤗


My deepest condolences are with you and his family Fire. I only spoke to him on a handful of occasions but it was an absolute pleasure to have had that than not at all. RIP 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤

Edited by Deleted Member

 So sorry to hear that Fire. Don't think I ever had the pleasure of speaking to him but from what I heard he was a great man. Thoughts are with you and his family at this sad time. :hearts::hearts:

The best are going always too early..😓

@Firewitch  Such a beautifully worded post. I didn't know Blackwolf77, but he was an extremely talented writer and clearly a very dear friend that has had quite an impact on you. You honour his memory perfectly /|\ 

By Tyr n Odin

Valhalla rises ,Skulls brimming in drink .

To greet the unique skills n prowess of one held dear.

By Thor's great Understanding, shall he been held in honour shown in life,reflected in burnished light of many swords......

Across the Nine Realms.....

In Fire ,his light will never dim.....but grow strong in the hearts that cherish him

🔥Blessed Be🔥

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