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It can be easier and less hassle!! Just close the app and they are gone!!

I too prefer the virtual thing. Though in my case, I don't have much of a choice. My physical body has so many defects that it's almost impossible to do anything in real life.

My entire sex life exists only in virtual chats, based on imagination. But at least, I'm not bound by the laws of reality there.

no way can you get the same experience on line as in person, however in person requires you to address certain things you wouldn't online

I think it’s different strokes for different folks and thankfully in this lifestyle there is a place for for everyone 

I think it’s easy for many to take people now to dabble with online stuff 

however there is a huge difference between subbing on line and subbing in a room in front of a Dominant 

I think many people play online but in my opinion that doesn’t actually  mean they are either dominant or submissive 

For me I have enjoyed both elements but categorically without doubt real hands on experiences are for me 


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