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My Dom left me

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I just got into a relationship with a D. We both were exploring this and decided that this was just a natural thing that we both wanted. Today I had to work late and was going to be 30 minutes late. He then cancelled on me and cut off communication. I feel abandoned and lied to. I was willing to accept anything for being 30 minutes late. Is this how I’m supposed to feel? It hurts
A dom with no patience or understanding is not the kind of dom you want anyway, that behaviour isn’t okay
😞 I’m so sorry this happened to you. I know you feel abandoned and that it hurts but please know… he was supposed to make you feel safe. Cared for. Protected. It hurts now but if he left you so easily and so harshly. You’re better off without him.
Sorry that you had to go through that. PrettySub is right. You don’t want to be with a Dom with no patience
A narcissistic, controlling, evil man. You have dodged a bullet there little one. The feeling you should have is one of relief and euphoria. Do not take him back.
Terrible behavior on his part. It's a give and take relationship with understanding. Not one sided how many inexperienced doms see it
A Dom isn't supposed to be a jerk. Let him go girl! He's not worth the heartache. See this as an opportunity to see the real man inside. And what I see is a selfish, abusive, manipulative piece of garbage that has no regard for your psychological well being. You're now free from him 💜 blessings be upon you!
I am sure it hurts. You seem like a trusting sub. You deserve a better caring dom. I am all about discipline but this is just bullshit.
You're better off. Someone who isn't willing to even talk about why they are leaving isn't worth your time.
I think this is a good thing. Because it made you know him sooner and hit less
Yeah it hurts but you will get over it I promise. This is not about you being 30min late something else is going on here stay strong and keep looking there is someone for everyone and eventually you will find who you are looking for.
I'm so sorry that happened to ya it was a major dick move on his part hope in time u find someone worthy of ya
Maybe there’s consciences for being late if that’s what y’all agreed on. But that seems like a major overreaction on his part.
I’m sorry that you experienced that! That sounds disappointing and ever so hurtful! Regardless of the relationship (kinky or not) you have with someone. What you’re feeling is completely understandable due to his actions. In my eyes, a relationship needs healthy communication and a mutual understanding and respect for each other. Him canceling due to you being late is really low and hurtful to you.

I hope that you don’t give up on finding another partner, who I hope will be supportive and available for you.
You're worth more than we or he will ever know. There are going to be lots of people telling you how things should be in life, even on sites like this that promote freedom of expression and breaking the mold, but it's your life and your decision to feel what you feel however you want, even when your Dom tells you to think it feel another way. Please don't let one bad fall stop you from climbing your mountain. We're here for you, and even I'm twice the dominant he is, so what you're looking for will find you eventually, but maybe you should find it first next time.
I'm sorry that happened to you. You deserve a better Dom or Master that will be accepting that you have to work late sometimes. I am trying to find a Mistress that will be accepting of my crazy work schedule. I hope you find a Master that loves you for who you are.
That’s a widely disproportionate reaction/punishment to the “crime” of being stuck at work for 30 minutes. That sets off so many red flags, he may as well be a bullfighter! It’s unclear what the nature of your dynamic was prior to this but be thankful you dodged a bullet. Even in the most strictest of Dom/sub 24/7 power exchanges both parties know that sometimes life gets in the way of plans. A real
Dom would find a way to incorporate punishment play as a result and let it go. Someone who is so tightly wound that their rubber band snapped over working late for thirty minutes is not a good Dom for ANY sub!!
littleegg666 - I assume that you communicated to your Dom that you were going to be 30 minutes late, because - well, you would, wouldn’t you ?

May I ask how long your relationship had been established ?

I’m just trying to understand why your Dom would behave in such an insensitive way - given that your profile states that you are looking for a “strong, sensitive” one ?

Cutting off communication is just a no-no.

A ‘sensitive’ Dom - (if that behaviour had been sanctioned by yourself), would have told you that he wasn’t going to speak to you for a defined period of time - and given you instruction on what to do during that time - “think about why this has happened to you” - for example if you had been late for oversleeping, instead of work reasons (which sound entirely justifiable)

You don’t state whether or not you met him in a vanilla environment, or on a site such as this - but he is clearly not worth your time and effort. Grieve for his abandonment of you - if you must.. but move on quickly.

He is NOT a true Dom… he is a bully, and that is all.

You will find someone worthy of your submission.
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