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My Dom left me

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  3 hours ago, SoulBlue82 said:
Above : fair point but as all thinks they should of been talked about, even if it’s to say it’s not working… not just up and leave, that not right either way 🤔

Okay didn't mean to be so controversial but as it stands maybe it was a lost cause that's all. Ive had to do it in the past it's not easy to do especially if you have a special attachment to them but some pets are toxic and others flow.

  3 hours ago, VKD said:

Who is in charge? The Sub, always.  They gifted their Submission, they can take it back any time. That is true power. They're normally the ones to tear up the contract if they end up with one of the millions of Fakes in the scene. Who trains the Doms? They strike me as utterly clueless for the most part, at least the Subs sign up wanting to learn and often having done a lot of research. 


Yes a gifted and granted chose you to be there Dom. But if the Dom knows she's playing games, and not really at work but doing something else you don't know the circumstances I'm just looking at it from a pov, now had that been my *** the Dom did that to I'd feel the same as all y'all but nobody knows the whole story to things.

  3 hours ago, CopperKnob said:

Who said she didn't let the dom know?
What if she had done it previously?
What if the sky was green, the grass blue and the cat caught a squirrel and they became best mates creating sqircats as offspring? Or any other obscure question we can think of.
D/s or vanilla, you don't shut off communication because you don't get your own way. Doing so isn't asserting your dominance as the supposed Dtype. It's immaturity.
D/s is, at it's most basic, an equal partnership where negotiations are agreed, boundaries are set and one person defers to the other within agreed limits. Just because the Dtype is placed in a position of authority, does not mean that they are 'in charge' there's an exchange of power.
Based simply on the info within the OP, which is all we have to go on, the D acted like a 🍆


There are many poviews who's to say who's right 👍.

@adventures29 - ' their' instead of there.

Mature real man never blocks. Thats not how you 'sort out' problems. When your friend or familly member *** you off you just block them all? Then good luck u will end up lonely f**k.

Everybody is so touchy today or is it my insensitivity lol (shrugs) oh well.
It has nothing to do with being sensitive. Its about maturity of man. And no woman likes a baby man. Unless its her kink to nurse man. So start learning how to become man. Learn discipline, look for challenges in life, learn positive thinking. Nobody like brains that are driven to negativity, conspirations, paranoia. Be happy!

@DuckArtist you are so right why didn't I ever consider my maturity level to be the reason...you obviously can't hear the sarcasm in my words....

That sounds like he was not into it and was just dumping you. I have never done that for a partner running 30 min late.

@littlegg666 - would you please give us an update ?
Are you feeling any differently about his behaviour now ?
Have you been able to rationalise, and move forward ?
Has your (ex) Dom attempted to reconnect with you - or you him ?

I hope that the comments you have received have helped in some way, but I think some of us would appreciate some feedback - purely as a welfare check - if you will ?

I wish I could hug you sis. If you want a friend, message me and let’s girl talk. My ex is currently doing the ghost/no communication game. It’s beyond hurtful. Its cruel.
That is not an appropriate response at all.

The silver lining to this is that this "Dom," which they are not, has shown right away they don't have the right temperament for the role they are serving.

It hurts now, but this person saved you from massive amounts of *** later when they would have ultimately failed in a scene.

Things get better. :-)

This is not normal behaviour for a dom, it is normal behaviour for a d*^k

This isn’t really appropriate dom behaviour, I assume that this was not part of what you agreed upfront and the circumstance was out of your control with work. Seems a bit of a dick move, you communicated upfront in advance, they could have made a comment about what may happen when you got home and made it a funishment (again if that’s something you’d agreed) but should have let it go at the end of the day, we all have to earn *** to live. Your dom sounds a bit inexperienced, I’d probably count yourself lucky and move forward, this shouldn’t be the norm.
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