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Completely new to BDSM and sex in general, a cosplay lover

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Heya everyone, just wanted to get some thoughts down in here since I'm new.

I've discovered that I have a massive kink for cosplay, especially for following NSFW blogs on Tumblr centred on cosplay; seeing them posting pics/GIFs of themselves doing certain requests from people turns me on massively.
I'm curious to know if someone would be interested in doing that with me - like a private blog between us where we take requests from each other and doing some sexy stuff. :hearts_around: Course, I also heavily fantasize about cosplay in the bedroom; having sex with one of your favourite game/film characters is an urge that I just can't get rid of, and I'm hoping someone would like to help me out with that? :crazy:

Also, I'm naturally seeing myself as a submissive; I've always had trouble taking initiative in general, due to anxiety and depression, and I'm wondering if people here could mentor me with taking initiative on some things?
One more thing: the paradox is that even though I would like someone to control me and tell me what to do, I still have a lot of desire to do some things that I want to do, but they would be wrong to do with a dominant partner. Of course, since I'm pretty young it's probably very difficult to want to control someone who is older than you - apparently there's a stigma with younger dominant people, where you can't really be a top to someone who's older than you? Like how else would I get this experience?

Anyway, if anyone has any tips for what I've talked about, feel free to comment. I can't wait to start the sexual part of my life. :$

I too enjoy cosplay. I'm not into the anime side of it though. I prefer medieval because I find something erotic about metal and chains and the way it feels. I wouldn't necessarily describe it as a fetish as it's not something that I need to have in my life but it is an enjoyment and a love that I have. 

You are right about the stigma attached to being a young Dom. I think subs will generally want an experienced Dom. Personally I believe that being dominant is a part of you are and your mindset and nothing to do with age. 

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