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  1 hour ago, smeagol said:


As it tries to "cater for all",  it does cause issues and clashes. 

You do see people who come on wanting  or being informed it is a fetish dating site then getting understandably Jaded, when they try and contact others who aren't here for a pick up, and get threads humiliating people using it for one or the other.




I think alot people don't really do research about this site, or think they know it. Alot people have short attentions as well. All they see  in this site... SEX, SEX, SEX or DIC PIC, DIC PIC, DIC PIC.😨😎😅

To add: I had no idea penis can pump weights like the Terminator, or bodies so flexible that they can be in the circus.😂

Edited by Deleted Member
  1 hour ago, kiseu said:

I think alot people don't really do research about this site, or think they know it. Alot people have short attentions as well. All they see  in this site... SEX, SEX, SEX or DIC PIC, DIC PIC, DIC PIC.😨😎😅


Very true, I think this is probably especially the case with those who have only ever experienced the app and it's limitations

By the look of your profile picture, you're a chef, so I suppose this site is much like any meal imaginable. Some want a quick meal. Some want something tasty, no matter how bad it is for them. Some want something profound and special, yet meet microwave chefs to please easily. Some join to see what food they like and are showered in mostly...sausages and gravy. ;)
  1 hour ago, Aranhis said:

Very true, I think this is probably especially the case with those who have only ever experienced the app and it's limitations


In fairness I've only ever used the app, apart from the occasional hop across, and I do OK.....I think 🤔 😂

  5 minutes ago, Lowvan said:

By the look of your profile picture, you're a chef, so I suppose this site is much like any meal imaginable. Some want a quick meal. Some want something tasty, no matter how bad it is for them. Some want something profound and special, yet meet microwave chefs to please easily. Some join to see what food they like and are showered in mostly...sausages and gravy. ;)


Hey, watch it. Germany is mostly sausages, sauce and potatoes. Hello... Currywurst. Just joking.😅😂

  31 minutes ago, gemini_man said:

In fairness I've only ever used the app, apart from the occasional hop across, and I do OK.....I think 🤔 😂


My bad, I should have said "some of" those 🙈

You do ruddy good, and I'll have words with anyone who says otherwise 😂

  11 minutes ago, Aranhis said:

My bad, I should have said "some of" those 🙈

You do ruddy good, and I'll have words with anyone who says otherwise 😂


*doffs cap* thank you kind Sir - though my tongue was firmly in my cheek with that post 😄

  47 minutes ago, kiseu said:

Hey, watch it. Germany is mostly sausages, sauce and potatoes. Hello... Currywurst. Just joking.😅😂


As a Dutchie, we're all about that as well! Meat and kartoffeln y'know! Tasty on a plate, not always on fetish dating site ;)

I think it should be used for all purposes you mentioned. I network mostly. I’m a monogamous sub now. Started in swing and poly.
I don’t get offended by incoming msgs. I just say no thank you. I appreciate that it’s a fetish site, and that means something different for everyone.
I’ve been here a few months and I still can’t figure it out.. I know I’ve been having less than an ideal experience

I do think the site needs an "Identity" one way or the other so it's not too confusing for new people joining to understand the general "what the site is for" and aid in helping those on the expected etiquette associated with it.  

At the moment it's got the confusing vibes of "is it a dating site" with the associated trolling by the thirsty and the genuine looking, or is it a "scene social and information site", where people expect some privacy. 

I know people will say both, but both don't gel together and this we constantly see threads complaining on "why do they contact me", "stop people viewing me"

If it's to be both there needs to be some reeling in of expectations and tolerance by longer serving members of the site.   I personally can see how a lot of new members, be it coming in looking for "the one" or those just new, curious and seeking knowledge can socially put their foot in things , non intentionally then get savaged by the pack mentality.

Tolerance people, I know it can be frustrating as hell, but this is the internet, you can choose to ignore, it takes little effort, and those new, patience and lots of it.  Don't be blazing all guns firing, take your time, get the feel of the place, baby steps.  In time you will get a feeling if it's the place for you and your needs or look elsewhere.





I think at it's simplest

it was set up as the purpose of a dating site

that it has grown from there does mean it means a little something to other people.    I don't want to wizards sleeve a bit, but a big purpose of any site is to do stuff that gets people onto the site (articles of course come up in search results) and keep them on the site (forum and chat) and keep them coming back.  

And of course there's a lot of reasons people keep coming back. 

Mind of course, regardless of whether someone is actively looking for meets/relationship, passively looking or not looking - there's always a world of difference between getting messages from potentially interested parties and getting rubbish/unsuitable messages :) 

Hi, so as some one whom is learning to paddle before I swim I think this site is ideal.

What it started at or what folks pre conceptions are by coming here reflect more about themselves.

So far for me it's been a gateway. Reading and understanding is everything. I thought initially it might be a way of meeting like minded people. Dating meet ups? Maybe like everyone one we all want an happy ending.

In my short time I've had some lovely messages and some plain nasty scamming idiots who just preach about how the want to go elbow deep without saying "hello" or after subscription to some onlyfans page etc.

By sorting through the crap and having decent human manners I've got to know some folk who are great. I've been pointed in directions that have given me the confidence not to feel ashamed about my desires FETs etc. And I've learnt to be honest with myself what to expect good and bad.

I now visit another site via a recommendation here and it's opened my mind.

Do I expect to be drowning in sex hook ups every night, no. Will my path leed me to eventually having a satisfying relationship with someone I hope.

You get what you put in. I've been humble honest and generally nice and it's so far paid back in kind.









Without the cooking analogies, this site is in some way, it's own thing but I'd say it's a mix of three other apps/sites:

1) The main and biggest competitor which is Fetlife, for all intents and purposes, is like Facebook: it's to show, share and communicat, and not to find anything or anyone. The search function and results are severely lacking, by design. It's not meant to find anyone you don't bump into.
2) Fetish.com is close to the indepth detailed profiles like how OKCupid.com is - which is in itself a site where profiles can share an enormous detailed information if the user wants to show that. Think about the most popular dating/apps websites and even the simplicity of OKCupid that you can show your height, religion, sexual preference, drug usage, form of relationship you're looking for, political affiliation and so much more, which the major apps like Tinder are the opposite of. Fetish.com lets you introduce yourself in detail.
3) Any other "kink" dating app out there, are just goddamn awful. I tried em. They are dogshit. Half of em barely work, and when they do, it's just a veiled marketplace for findommes/prodommes/OF/whatever commercial stuff without any regulation.

So what's Fetish.com? A website that has a lot of potential and mostly delivers on it, and after using it for over a year or two, does keep evolving and gives more and more options to share as much or as little as you want, with the tools to dispose of the people you don't want to interact with anymore. It's the most indepth and detailed kink social media site with dating/looking for x functions, sometimes for good, sometimes for worse.

I think is one of those questions where, if you ask a hundred different people, you will receive a plethora of answers.
“All things to all people” comes to mind, to paraphrase.

For myself, it was a way of contacting like minded people, chartng with, and getting to know and understand them a little - and them me, and then if we connect, exploring that connection further - in real life.

As an addendum to that, I have found myself contributing to questions and comments on threads over the (months?… years?) that I’ve been on here… as well as joining in occasionally in the chat rooms.

In short, my own personal journey on this site is evolving day by day - which is good, because it keeps me interested in it.
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