
Are you intrigued by futanaris?

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Futanari is a Japanese word made from 'Futatsu' meaning two/both and 'nari' that implies form. It originates in Japanese Manga and anime and refers to a character that is intersex. Sometimes it might be that the character is trans or otherwise mixed of two different sex characteristics. Most often, this will be a character with breasts and a penis. Futanari is often depicted in hentai and other porn, and there's usually a cross over with furry fetish. The word's use has changed over time, and before the '90s, it was used to describe any character with intersex characteristics. After then it became associated with both drawn and animated characters and continues to this day.

What does futanari mean?

Futanari is Japanese for 'two forms' and refers to a person who has a mix of two sex characteristics. It is most often seen in pornographic anime known as futanaris or futas, and mostly the characters have emphasized breasts and penises.

What is futanari porn?

Futanaris most often feature an intersex character who passes as a cisgender woman with a penis. They usually have both a vulva and a penis, but testicles are optional. Written by cis, straight men, it's hugely controversial.

Do futanaris feature trans characters?

Futanaris don't usually portray trans characters; they are precise, highly fetishized images of an intersex character with a femme shape, genitalia and a penis. They're often viewed as a way to explore fantasies in a safely distanced manner. There is some transcoded futanaris out there, but they are rare.

Is it OK to enjoy futanaris?

Yes, as long as you realize it's 100% fantasy, they're not at all realistic representations of intersex or transgender individuals. These anime characters are entirely fictional. While it's good to explore our fantasies through the written word or watching porn, it's essential to recognize the difference between fantasy and reality.

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    Keywords related to Futanari

    Keywords: futanaris, manga, anime, hentai, intersex,

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